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Right to Information ACT


Right to Information Act 2005 Women Development and Child Welfare

We have to know the Right to Information Act, 2005  as a Fundamental Human Right.

GOI has issued this act as “Right to Information Act 2005” with effect from 15.06.2005. RTI Act 2005 contains 6 chapters with 31 sections. It extends to the whole of India except Jammu & Kashmir.

The RTI Act 2005 provide three tier programme to develop people’s faith on Government i.e.,

  1. 1. Increase accountability  2.Increase transparency  and 3.Improve moral values.

Chapter 1-Introduction

Chapter 2 - Organization, Functions and Duties [Section 4(1)(b)(i)]

Chapter 3 - Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees [Section 4(1)(b)(ii)]

Chapter 4 - Procedure Followed in Decision-making Process [Section 4(1)(b)(iii)]

Chapter 5 - Norms set by it for the Discharge of its Functions [Section 4(1)(b)(iv)]

Chapter 6 - Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and Records, for Discharging Functions [Section 4(1)(b)(v)]

Chapter 7 -Categories of Documents held by the public Authority under its Control [Section 4(1)(b)(vi)]

Chapter 8-14

Chapter 15 - Information Available to Public (Section 4(1)(b)xv))

Chapter 16 - Information Available to Public (Section 4(1)(b)xvi))

District Wise Public Information Officers

Chapter 1

The Right to Information Act, 2005 provides more access to the information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority.  Also provisions have been made for constituting Central Information Commission and State Information Commissions.  In democracy every citizen is supposed to be acquaintedwith the information about functioning of Government, which is essential to contain corruption and to hold Governments and their instrumentalities accountable to the governed.  

          Democracy requires an informed citizen and transparency of information. Both are vital to the functioning of Government to contain corruption and to hold Governments and their instrumentalities accountable to the governed. In order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every citizens and every public authority, the Parliament enacted the Right to Information Act, 2005. All citizens have the right to information. It is the duty of every public authority to maintain all its records duly catalogued in a manner and the form which facilitate the right to information.
1.2. Delegations of public authorities are made clear in section 4 (1) (b) of the Right to Information Act 2005.  Accordingly the section 4 (1) (b) particulars of any organization of Government powers and duties of officers and employees and procedures followed in decision making process are made available to the public.  Besides the rules and regulations, instructions manuals and records held by public authorities, statements of the categories of documents that are held by public authority are also made accessible to the public.   A lot of information which is essential for public to know more clearly about the administration of the Government for the welfare of the public can be known.
During the IInd World War, lot of soldiers were died and many were injured, which caused to force difficulties to their families Consequently, Some women became widows and some were became orphans with their children respectively.  Hence there were wife’s of military higher Officials initiated Warfare activities for the benefit of these widows and orphans who were in worries due to IInd World War. Subsequently, this post war activity from Warfare to Welfare for women and Children were taken up by the Government of India. In turn the Department for Women and Children started in the Madras Residency. The Department of Women Development and Child Welfare was created in 1952 in the composite Madras State and extended the services in the Telangana Districts from 1958 onwards. The Department was under LEN&TE Department (Labour Employment Nutrition and Technical Education Department). Later Government of Andhra Pradesh has established a separate Secretariat Department for Women Development and Child Welfare during 1987 to look after the Welfare of Women and Children.  Now Under A.P. Re-organization Act 2014, the Andhra Pradesh State was bifurcated into two States i.e. Andhra Pradesh State and Telangana State which came into existence from 02.06.2014. Telangana is one of the few states where a separate Department is functioning for development and welfare of women and children, having the jurisdiction of ten Districts i.e. Warangal, Adilabad, Khammam Karimnagar, Mahaboobnagar, Nalgonda, Nizamabad, Medak, Ranga Reddy and Hyderabad. 
The broad mandate of the Department is to have holistic development of Women and children. For the holistic development of the child, the Department has been implementing the world’s largest and most unique and outreach programme of Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) providing a package of services comprising supplementary nutrition, immunization, health check up and referral services, pre-school non-formal education.
The Andhra Pradesh Women’s Cooperative Development Corporation established in the year 1975 with T.A.No.693/75 under the provision of section 7, of AP Co-operative Societies Act 1964, has been bifurcated as Andhra Pradesh Women’s Co-operative Development Corporation (APWCDC) and Telangana State Women’s Co-operative Development Corporation (TSWCDC] since 02-06-2014.       
Thus Telangana State functioning welfare activities for women and children by named as “Department for Women, Children, Disabled and Senior Citizens since 02-06-2014

Chapter 2 - Organization, Functions and Duties [Section 4(1)(b)(i)]


Name of the




Women Development and Child Welfare Department

Office of the Director,
Women Development and Child Welfare Department,
Swarnajayanthi Complex, 2nd Floor, Ameerpet, Telangana State,
Hyderabad – 38.

  1. For Women:-
    1. Women Welfare Centres
    2. Women in Distress
    3. Financial Assistance to Women & Girl victims affected by cognizable offences under CRPC
    4. Domestic Violence Act, 2005
    5. SRCW/Scheme for National Mission for Empowerment Women (NMEW)
    6. Assistance to TG Women Cooperative Development Corporation
    7. State Commission for Women
    8. Safety and Security of Women
  2. Gender Resource Centres
  3. One-Stop Crisis Centres
  4. SHE-Taxi Scheme

2. For Children:-

  1. Services for Children-in-need of care and Protection                  
  2. Girl Child Protection Scheme
  3. Bangaruthalli
  4. State Commission for Protection of Child Rights (SCPCR)
  5. Facilitation of In-Country and Inter-Country Adoptions through SAAs (Specialized Adoption Agencies)

3. Grant-in-aid Schemes:-

  1. Old Age Home
  2. SWAHAR Shelter Home
  3. Ujjawala

4. Major Schemes under Centrally Assisted State Plan:-
i. ICDS (Integrated Child Development Scheme)
ii. SNP (Supplementary Nutrition Programme and Arogyalakshmi)
iii. ICPS (Integrated Child Protection Scheme)
iv. SABALA (Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls)
v. KSY (Kishori Shakti Yojana)
vi. IGMSY (Indira Gandhi Matrutva Sahayoga Yojana)

Chapter 3 - Powers and Duties of Officers and Employees [Section 4(1)(b)(ii)]


Name of the Post

Powers and Duties



The function of the Commissioner / Director are :
1. Field functions  :

  1. Inspection of sub-ordinates offices i.e., RDD, PD, CDPO etc.
  2. Attend meeting like Pubic ACCOUNTS Committee, Assurance’s Committee, Department Clearness Committee, Project and Programme Approval Committee, Department Promotion Committee, etc.

2. Administrative functions :

  1. Disciplinary Authority and Appellant Authority under Civil services rules Classification Control and Appeal (CCA rules 1991).
  2. Appointing authority for first and second level Gazetted officers.
  3. Nominates Vigilance Officers and Enquiry Officers and Departmental Officers.
  4. Transfer and posting First and second level officers.
  5. Initiates Annual Confidential Reports of all Gazetted Officers.
  6. Formulates PLAN schemes of the Department.

3. Financial Powers :

  1. Excising financial powers of the head of the Department in terms of article 6 of chapter – II of Financial code Volume- I.
  2. Preparation of BUDGET Estimates, Budget Controlling Authority, Scrutiny of Revenue of Expenditure statement and preparation Number statements etc. 
  3. Excising of Financial function under various CODES and Manuals of Government of AP.

4. Jurisdiction :
1. Having over all supervision and control of the entire Department.
2. Monitor all PROGRAMMES, Policies laid down by the Government.


Joint Director-1 (Administration)

1. Assist to the Commissioner / Director.
2. Functions :

  1. Over all control of the entire subordinate STAFF.
  2. Preparation of Seniority List of first and second level Gazetted Officer.
  3. Panels of promotion.
  4. Maintenance and custody of Annual Confidential Reports.
  5. Obtain Annual Confidential Reports of the first and second level Gazetted officers from the District collectors.
  6. Overall administration and control of the staff and officers working in Commission rate/Directorate.
  7. Ensure prompt action in all court CASES relating to service MATTERS.
  8. Cause of action to be initiated for Preparation of  draft service rules acts etc.
  9. Attend meetings conveyed by PRC Rules committee etc.
  10. Ensure that Rule of Reservation for Women is properly observed by Directorate by all subordinate offices.
  11. Prompt replies to Legislative Assembly/Parliament Questions and other relative matters.
  12. In charge for ICDS Projects in the State Responsible for annual Plans, 5 year plans  and   preparation of Budget estimate for ICDS Projects.
  13. Ensure for proper reimbursement of funds released from the Government of India. 
  14. Purchase of Procurement material for the ICDS Projects as per the needs and norms laid down in this regard.
  15. Tour for minimum period of 10 days in a month.
  16. Supervise the achievements in the field of Pre-school survey and enrollment of children and women in Anganwadi centers.
  17. Arrange to take action for conducting seminars/workshops/Training camps for ICDS functionaries to impart training.
  18. Review the progress of the achievement of beneficiaries targeted for every financial year and arrange to submit periodical report to the Government. 

3. Jurisdiction :

  1. Extension to the entire Department.
  2. Extension to the entire Department wherever the ICDS Projects are being implemented.

4. Accountability:
 ACCOUNTABLE to the Commissioner/Director.


Joint Director-1
 ( Schemes)

  1. Assist to the Commissioner/Director in  implementation of Various  
  2. PROGRAMMES/SCHEMES  under taking by the Department 

2. Functions :

  1. Formulating new schemes for the welfare of women and children.
  2. Supervision monitoring and guiding subordinate offices in implementation of all schemes by the Department.
  3. Identify the Training needs of the field functionaries.
  4. Review the progress of implementation of the schemes.
  5. Convene Co-Ordination Committee meeting for affective implementation of the Schemes with the officers of other Government Departments. AND Non Government Organizations(NGOs).
  6. Incharge of the Adoption Scheme.
  1. Jurisdiction :
  2. Extension to the entire Department.

4. Accountability :
1.  Accountable to the Commissioner/Director


Assistant Director –1

  1. Assist to the Joint Director (Schemes & ICDS).
  2. Functions:
  1. Responsible for PLANNING of Nutrition Programmes, preparation of Budget estimate for Nutrition programme.
  2. Evaluation of Nutrition status of children age group 6months to 6 years, Pregnant and lactating mothers.
  3. Suggest remedial MEASURES for correction of severely and moderate mal-nutrition among children. 
  4. Review of periodical reports and point out deficiencies in implementation of schemes.
  5. Arrange for distribution of Nutrition food for the beneficiaries for coordination of mal-nutrition among children of 6 months to 6 years by 2020 AD. 
  6. Issue of Financial sanctions to the subordinate officers in accordance with the powers delegated by the Director and procedure letdown article 125 of AP Financial Code Volume –I and instruction from Government time to time. 
  7. One Full Meal for pregnant and lactating women
  8. Balamrutham+16 eggs to children 7 months to 3 years.
  9. Hot meal, snack food+30 (Boiled)eggs per month to children between 3 to 6 years.
  10. Incharge of all correspondences relating to supplementary Nutrition, Budget and Expenditure, Scrutiny of Bills of TS foods and TSTC, Audit paras pertain the Nutrition.
  11. Press clipping and replies to miscellaneous correspondence.
  12. Review of MPRs, Cabinets subcommittee, Women sub plan.
  13. Incharge of Budget estimate and revised estimates to plan schemes.

3. Jurisdiction :

  1. Extension to the entire Department.

4. Accountability:

  1. Accountable to the Commissioner/Director 


Assistant Director (Schemes)

1. Assist to the Joint Director (Schemes)
2. Functions:

  1. Over all supervision implementation of the schemes relating to Women and Children.
  2. Ensure better functioning of Women and Children Institutions.
  3. Arrange prompt release of Budget to the Women and Child Welfare Institutions. And watching Progress of expenditure.
  4. Tour for a minimum period of one  month guide the field functionaries for better management of Women and Child Welfare Institutions.
  5. Prompt actions to submit replies to Legislative Assembly Questions, Parliament Questions and Committees of the Legislature and Parliament in respect of Women and Child Welfare Programmes/Schemes. 
  6. Watch over allocation of 15% General Revenues of Zillah Parishads and Mandal Parishads.
  7. To formulate schemes for Welfare  Women and Children  for utilization of the funds earmarked by the Zillah Parishads and Mandal Parishads.
  8. Issue financial sanctions to the sub-ordinates officers and Institutions.
  9. Incharge of Adoption Scheme.


Accounts Officer – I

1. Assist the Head of the Department in all Financial Matters.
2.  Functions :

  1. Attend fixation of Pay of the Employees of the Department.
  2. Responsible for the Maintenances and disposal of Pension files.
  3. Scrutinize applications for sanction for loans and advances and maintain registers to watch seniority of  applicants.
  4. Prepare number statements  Budget Estimates of Revenue and Capital under Plan and Non-plan schemes.
  5. Release Budget under Non-Plan schemes and maintain registers in the Accounts Branch.
  6. Review Monthly expenditure with reference to release of funds.
  7. Prepare Proposals of supplementary grants/Re- appropriations and saving and excesses.
  8. Reconciliation of expenditure figures with Accountant General.
  9. Prepare Performance Budget, Departmental Budget speech in Legislative Assembly.
  10. Maintain full cadre strength  under Non-Plan and Plan.
  11. Responsibility Drawing and Disbursing Officer.
  12. Conduct internal Audit of all Monitory transactions in the Department.
  13. Disposal of audit reports/inspection report and abjection book  items.
  14. Prepare notes Public Accounts Committee matters.

3. Jurisdiction :

  1. Extension to the entire Department wherever the ICDS Projects are being implemented.

4. Accountability:

  1. Accountable to Director / Commissioner


Assistant Accounts Officer – I

1. Assist the Accounts Officer in all Financial Matters.
2. Functions:

  1. Attend Audit review meeting in the Districts.
  2. Inspect Sub-Ordinate Office in order to ensure that proper replies are giving for the long pending audit paras.

3. Jurisdiction :
1. Extension to the entire Department wherever the ICDS Projects are being implemented.
4. Accountability:

  1. Accountable to Accounts Officers.


ACDP Officer-2 (Directorate) 

  1. Assist to the Assistant Director.


  1. Inchare of RTI Act Records.

3. Jurisdiction :

  1. Extension to the entire Commissionerate / Directorate.

4. Accountability:
Accountable to the Assistant Director.


Superintendents - 20 (12 District Level) + (8 Directorate)

1. Assist the Director/Commissioner in running the administration at Head of the Dept and at District Head Offices to the PDs and Regional Level to RDDs.
 2. Functions:

  1. Head of the section.
  2. Ministerial assistants to the officers and Director in maintaining records, files, personal registers, etc., with Jr. Assistant and Sr. Assistant.
  3. Responsible for accuracy of the notes, drafts and proceeding from the section.
  4.  Periodically inspect the personal registers.
  5. Must maintain stock file and ensure that the delays the replies are minimized.
  6. Responsible for watching periodicals.
  7. Watching the releases of budget and expenditure and ensure that the expenditure does not exceeding budget limits.

3. Jurisdiction :

  1. Extension to the entire Section and Directorate/Commissionrate/District.

4. Accountability:

  1. Accountable to concerned Officer.


Senior Assistant – 181 (12 at HOD + 169 at District)
Junior Assistant – 181 (07 at HOD + 174 at District)

1.  Assist to the Section Heads at Head of the Dept, District Head Office and Project Office.
2. Functions:

  1. Maintenance of files and linked files
  2. Drafting
  3. Various types of communications, there form and purpose.
  4. Reminder diary
  5. Disposals and disposals jackets
  6. Call book and periodicals
  7. Fair copy and dispatch

3. Jurisdiction :
Entire office where they are working.
4. Accountability:
Accountable to concerned Officer.


Regional Joint\Deputy Directors – 2

  1. Posts are Supervisory as well as Administrative in Nature.

2. Functions:

  1. Having financial and Administrative powers.
  2. Can take independent decisions.
  3. Shall guide, instruct, supervise and inspect the work of all subordinate officers in the Region.
  4. Inspect Women and Child Welfare programmes in Panchayat  Samithies. 
  5. Tour for minimum period of 15 days in a month to cover all the Districts in her Jurisdiction at least  once in 3 months.
  6. Shall attend the Zillah Parishad meetings.
  7. Establish and Maintain good working relationship with Districts Collectors, Chairman Zillah Parishads, Presidents of Panchayat Samithies.
  8. Visit fair number of voluntary organizations in every month.
  9. Initiate Confidential Reports of District Offices through District Collectors and submit to the HOD.
  10. Order admission to Service Home, State Home and Regional Training Center in the region.
  11. Effect Transfers of all ministerial staff and field functionaries.
  12. Convene conference of PD every month to review the progress of work in the region.
  13. Conduct detailed annual inspection to all District Officers, Service Homes, State Homes etc,.

3. Jurisdiction :

  1. Extends to the entire Zone.

4. Accountability:
Accountable to the Commissioner/Director. 


Project Director – 10

  1. Posts are Supervisory as well as Administrative in District.

2. Functions:

  1. Incharge of all programmes relating to Women including Women institutions Durga Bai Mahila Sishu Vikas Kendram, Voluntary organizations, Children’s programmes, 33 1/3% reservation to women and implementation of women sub plan etc,.
  2. Shall guide, instruct, supervise and inspect the work of all subordinate officers in the District.
  3. Inspect Women and Child Welfare programmes in Mandals. 
  4. Tour for minimum period of 15 days in a month, cover entire District once in 2 months in her Jurisdiction.
  5. Shall attend the Zillah Parishads meetings and District Collector’s meetings.
  6. Establish and Maintain good working relationship with Districts Collectors, Chairman Zillah Parishads, Presidents of MPPS.
  7. Visit fair number of voluntary organizations in every month.
  8. Having financial and Administrative powers.
  9. Convene conference of CDPOs every month to review the progress of work in the District.
  10. Conduct detailed annual inspection to all the Offices, Institutions, etc., in the District.
  11. Supervise the Family counseling centers with regard to filing of cases with due consent of dowry Prohibition Officer or advisory committee under the provisions of Dowry Prohibition Act 1961.

3. Jurisdiction :

  1. Extends to the entire District.

4. Accountability:
Accountable to the Regional Deputy\Joint Director.  


CDPO –149/
ACDPO - 120
APD  -10  

1. Assist to the Project Director. 

  1. Act as a Co-ordinator of the ICDS Schemes at block level.
  2. Incharge of scheme of ICDS, functional illiteracy for alter women.
  3. Supervise and guide the work entire project team.
  4. Undertake field visits and conduct staff meetings periodically.
  5. Finalize month and yearly budget for each Anganwadi center.
  6. Initiate and guide the Anganwadi Workers in quick survey at project villages to identify children, Pregnant women and nursing mothers
  7. Inspect the registers and records at black Anganwadi level periodically
  8. Make necessary arrangements for Transportation, storing and distributing various supplies to the Anganwadi centers.
  9. Act as Convener or Secretary at Block Level Coordination Committee. 
  10. Maintain functional liaison with Block Head Quarters, Primary Health Centers, Panchayat Raj institutions, Education setup and voluntary organizations.
  11. Maintain functional relationships between PHC/Sub centers staff and supervisor/Anganwadi workers.
  12. Incur contingency expenditure for the article required by Anganwadi workers.
  13. Act as Drawing and Disbursing Officer for the ICDS Scheme.
  14. Arrange education programme like Nutrition and Hygiene demonstrations.
  15.  Take necessary measure for Anganwadi workers and Ayahs recruitment and training.
  16. Tour at least 18 days with 10 night halts in project area.

3. Jurisdiction :

  1. CDPO\ACDPO - With in the concerned Project areas.

APD– concerned districts. 
4. Accountability:
Accountable to the PD concerned. 


Women and Child Welfare Officers
State Home – 2
Service Home – 2
Manager Regional Ware House -1

1. Supervisory administrative posts in the residential institute 
2. Functions :

  1. Head of the Home
  2. Responsible for providing food shelter, clothing to the inmates.
  3. Arrange for training to the inmates in different TRADES keeping view of the ability.

3. Jurisdiction :

  1. Extends to the entire Home

4. Accountability:

  1. Concerned PD in the District.


Supervisors Grade –I (740) & Grade – II (700) & contract Supervisors – (222) at District Level.

1. Assist to the Child Development Project Officer.
1. Plan the programme of Anganwadis.
2. Help, train and guide to the AWWs.
3. Supervise AWCs through regular visits.
4. Organize regular meetings with AWWs for reviewing progress of ICDS scheme.
5. Identifying malnutrition children.
6. Help AWWs in developing family contacts, making home visits and conducting village meetings.
7. Periodically check all records, registers, cash and accounts, stock and material in AWCs.
8. Guide the AWWs in organizing health and nutrition, education and programmes and establish links with the primary school.
9. Liaison between AWWs and CDPO and also PHCs staff.
10. Assist to the CDPO in various task of administration and programme implementation.

3. Jurisdiction :
Entire ICDS Project where they are working.
4. Accountability:
Accountable to the CDPO concerned and to the public.


AWWs – (31711)
Mini AWWs – (3989)
AWHs – (31711)

1. Assist to the Supervisor and Public.
2. Functions:

  1. To improve the nutritional and health status of Children of age group 0-6 years.
  2. To lay the foundation for proper psychological, physical and social development of Children.
  3. To reduce the  instance  of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and school dropouts.
  4. To achieve effective co-ordination of policy and implementation amongst the various departments to promote child development.
  5. To enhance the capacity of mother to look after normal health and nutritional needs of the child through proper nutritional and health education

3. Jurisdiction:
          Entire villages concerned.
Accountable to Supervisor and Public.

Chapter 4 - Procedure Followed in Decision-making Process [Section 4(1)(b)(iii)]



making process

Designation of 
Final decision-Making 

Goal-setting &

Fixation of targets
Conduct of inspections, Awareness programmes

Interacts with Collectors,
Project Director,
Child Development Project  Officers.

Director, Women Development and Child Welfare Department


Allocation of budget under various heads of accounts of District Officers.     

Interact with Project Director,
Child Development Project  Officers.


Formulation of
schemes and

Women and Child Welfare if any, 

Interacts with Collectors,
Project Director,
Child Development Project  Officers.


Hiring of Personnel

1st Level Gazetted class III and  Class – IV employees



Release of funds

As per the Government Orders to different Schemes.



Monitoring &

Frequent reviews with the CDPOS and PDs.



4.2. Flow charts of channels of supervision, accountability, the services delivered to the target group i.e., beneficiaries / consumers.


Director   –  Joint Directors – Assistant Directors - Accounts Officer – ACDPOs – Assistant Accounts Officer.


Regional Deputy / Joint Directors – Project Directors – Assistant Project Directors.


Chapter 5 - Norms set by it for the Discharge of its Functions [Section 4(1)(b)(iv)]
5.1 DETAILS of the norms / standards set by the public authority for the 
      Discharge of its functions / delivery of SERVICES.

As per Government RULES

For Women:-


Name of the Scheme


Delivery of Services


State Homes

During 1957-58 to provide assistance for Women in Social, Moral Hygienic and Health care PROGRAMMES. The Government established TWO STATE HOMES at Mahaboobnagar and Hyderabad with a sanctioned strength of 100.

Food, Shelter and clothing is provided besides imparting training in various trades for self-employment, wage employment / job employment.


Service Homes

TWO SERVICE HOMES are functioning in the Telangana State at Warangal and Hyderabad with a sanctioned strength of 115 and 210 respectively.

These Homes are meant for rehabilitation of socially and economically deprived categories of women i.e., only deserted wives, widows, orphans and other women who are destitute shall be entitled for admission and also who having children below 5 yrs age to stay with mother into the Home, Further Hyderabad Service Home is converted as Residential Home for Polytechnic College Students. The inmates of orphans, semi orphans and destitute are studying in 3 year Diploma Course of Architecture, Civil, Computers, Electronic & Communication Engineering at SDDGWTTI, Hyderabad During their studies the Government provide hostel with all facilities like free shelter, food, books, technical equipment clothing, examination fee & Tuition fee for complete orphans etc.


Rescue Home

ONE RESCUE HOME is functioning at Hyderabad with a sanctioned strength of 30.

Women who are rescued by the Police and are facing trial in the court are given shelter till the final of the case. They are provided with shelter, food, clothing, medical and training in skill development. 


Homes for Collegiate Girls

In the year 1974 Home for Collegiate Girls at Hyderabad was  STARTED  with a sanctioned strength of 50 and in 1985 the Home for Collegiate Girls was started at Warangal with a sanctioned strength of 30.  At present TWO HOMES FOR COLLEGIATE GIRLS are functioning in the State i.e., at Hyderabad and Warangal.

Admission to Inmates of Children Homes, Girls from   BPL families and destitute Girls who passed 10th Class and they are in the 15-25 years age group are admitted in these homes to pursue higher studies and allowed to stay for a maximum period of 5 years.


Smt.Durgabai Deshmuk Women’s Technical Training Institute

ONE SMT.DURGABAI DESHMUK WOMEN’S TECHNICAL TRAINING INSTITUTE at Hyderabad provides Diploma Course in Civil Architecture, Computer and Electronics, Instrumentation Courses.

As per G.O. MS. No. 14, WDCW&DW (ICDS-A2) Department Dt.23-05-2008, 70% of the seats are reserved to the inmates (Orphans/Semi-Orphans/Destitute) from the departmental institutions of the WDCW Dept. and also for BPL/Trafficked Victims in the State


Working Women’s Hostel

There are 5 WORKING WOMEN HOSTELS are functioning in the State at Warangal, Khammam, Nizamabad, Mahabubnagar and Hyderabad with a sanctioned strength of 280 totally.

These hostels provide food, shelter and security to the working women.


Home for Aged

ONE HOME FOR AGED is functioning in the State at Hyderabad with a sanctioned strength of 30.

Home is provided in peaceful and comfortable living for the old poor /destitute women above 60 years of age with food, shelter, clothing and health facility.


Domestic Violence Act 2005

The DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ACT 2005 with effect from 26.10.2006

Offers various reliefs to victims of Domestic Violence like Protection Orders, Residence Order, Maintenance Order and Custody of Children. The Govt of Telangana State took a proactive role to facilitate implementation of the act in a true spirit, by designating 104 Protection Officers, 72 Service Providers (NGOs) and putting in place DV Cells in 10 districts with necessary staff to offer counseling and assistance to women who approach these units.

For Children:-


Shishu Gruhas

14 SHISHU GRUHAS established in 14 Districts as special Adoption Agencies.

Admitted abandoned infants and orphans below 06 years of age are admitted. The Children of Shishugruhas are given for legal adoption to childless couples.


Children Homes

35 CHILDREN HOMES are functioning in the Telangana State with a sanctioned strength of 2220.

To cater the needs of orphans and destitute children of disabled parents, Children Homes were introduced in the State.


Girl Child Protection Scheme

GIRL CHILD PROTECTION SCHEME with Insurance coverage from 01-04-2005

Insurance coverage to provide social and financial empowerment to the girl child and promotes adoption if small family norm by ensuring holistic development of the girl child for a bright future.


Bangaru Thalli

BANGARU THALLI Girl Child Promotion and Empowerment Act, 2013.

Provides incentives for achieving certain milestones to the Girl Child born after 1st May, 2013 till she reaches the age of 21 years.









The ICDS Scheme was introduced in the year 1975 at Utnoor (T), Adilabad District with 240 AWCs sanctioned. At present 149 ICDS Projects with 35700 AWCs are functioning in the State (31,711 Main AWCs & 3989 Mini AWCs)

Under ICDS scheme services are provided to the children between age group of 0 to 6 years, Pregnant women and Lactating Mothers comprising supplementary nutrition, immunization, health check up and referral services, pre-school non-formal education. Anganwadi workers are the gross route level functionaries of the ICDS Scheme.



Nutrition Programme

Under the scheme, provided one full meal for pregnant and lactating women; Balamrutham    +16 eggs to children 7 months to 3 years; Hot meal, snack food + 30 (Boiled) eggs per month to children between 3 to 6 years.



Children in need of care and protection

Under this scheme provide care and protection of all the children in need of care and protection and children in conflict with law.



Empowering Adolescent Girls

Under this scheme, Empowering Adolescent Girls by providing a supportive environment for self development and To impart training on home based skills, life skills and Vocational skills.



Scheme at Nalgonda District

It is a conditional cash transfer scheme is implementing by using the platform of ICDS at Nalgonda district. Under this scheme providing Incentive of Rs.6000/- to pregnant on fulfilling maternal and child health needs in Nalgonda dist.

Chapter 6 - Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manual and Records, for Discharging Functions [Section 4(1)(b)(v)]

6.1 List and gist of rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and RECORDS, held by the public authority or under its control or used by its employees for discharging functions in the following format:






Draft Rules governing Children HOMES /Service Home/State Homes

Admissions, Eligibility providing facilities to Destitute, Semi Orphan, Orphan children.


Trafficking of Women and Children

Prevention, Anti-trafficking MEASURES, Anti-trafficking Squad, economic empowerment, health care services, education and child care, housing and civic amenities, legal reforms, rehabilitation and relief fund.


A.P.Compulsory REGISTRATION of Marriages Rules, 2003

Procedure of Registration of Marriages.


Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005

Guidelines, preventive measures, Punishments etc.


Financial Assistance to Women & Girl Victims affected by cognizable offences under CRPC

Guidelines etc.


A.P.Women Commission Headed by Chairperson in the rank Cabinet Minister

 To protect the interest of Women


Dowry Prohibition Act.

Preventive measures and Guide lines


Discrimination against Women and prevention of Sexual Harassment at WORK PLACES ACT

Preventive measures and Guide lines


SRCW/Scheme for National Mission for Empowerment Women(NMEW)

Suitable measures for Empowerment Women & Guidelines


High Level Committee on Safety & Security of Women and Girls.

Senior Officers from different services make legislations for safety and security Girls and Women.


One Stop Crisis Centres

District Level Taskforce Committees Integrated with a Women Helpline.


Gender Resource Centre(GRC)

Take care of all Dimensions related to Gender Equity and Equality.


24/7 Women Helpline(181)

24 Hours Emergency Response through Nirbhaya Centre / Police / Hospital / Ambulance and Other Atrocities.


She- Taxi Scheme

35% Subsidy by State Government to She Drivers by Tie-up with banks for loans.


Campaign on Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao

Common man voice to prevention of Child Marriages.


Campaign on Child Sexual Abuse

Through Posters Booklets to prevent Child Sexual Abuse.


She Teams

150 SHE TEAMS to prevent Eve teasing and Harassment on Girls and Women.


Mahila Shakti Kendra in 10 Districts

Awarness Programmes on Women Empowerment and Protection


Atrocity Cases

Compensation under CRPC

Grant-in-Aid Schemes under Institutions Wing


Old age Home

Old Age Home for residence of Poor, Destitute aged persons of 60 years and above and having low income.


SWADHAR Shelter Home

To assist women in Difficult circumstances which includes victims of trafficking Women, Widows, deserted, Women prisoners released from jails, women survivors of Natural disaster, Women victim of Terrorist/Extremist, Mentally Challenged Women, Women with HIV (AIDS).



  • To prevent trafficking of women and children for commercial sexual exploitation through social mobilization and involvement of local communities.
  • To facilitate rescue of victims from the place of their exploitation and place them in safe custody.
  • To provide rehabilitation services.


  • To facilitate reintegration of the victims into the family and society at large.
  • To facilitate repatriation of cross-border victims to their country of origin.


Adoption Regulations 2017

Regulations have been framed in order to streamline the legal adoption process


G.O.Ms.No. 8 WDCW& DW (Prog) Dept, 23.3.2000

Government recognized Shishuvihar of Women Development and Child Welfare Department as one of the Placement Agencies  to undertake/ adoption of Children


Other Information if any

 Kept in online i.e. 



1. ICDS:



Centrally Sponsored Scheme, which is single largest integrated programme of Child Development.  Details were placed  at online http//anganwadi.ts.nic.in


Services provided at Anganwadi level.

  • Supplementary Nutrition to 6 months to 6 years children, pregnant and lactating mothers.
  • Immunization to Women and Children.
  • Health checkup to Women and Children
  • Referral Services to Women and Children
  • Nutrition and Health Education to Mothers and Adolescent Girls.
  • Non-formal, Pre-School Education to  3 – 6 years children.


Objectives of Anganwadi Centers

  • To improve the nutritional and health status of Children of age group 0-6 years.
  • To lay the foundation for proper psychological, physical and social development of Children.
  • To reduce the instance of mortality, morbidity, malnutrition and school dropouts.
  • To achieve effective co-ordination of policy and implementation amongst the various departments to promote child development.
  • To enhance the capacity of mother to look after normal health and nutritional needs of the child through proper nutritional and health education



GCPs. Guidelines

Introduced in the year 1996 – 1997 with a objective to eliminate prejudice against the girl child, to encourage the small family and to discourage early marriages. 


New GCPs : G.O.Ms.No. 16 WD.CW&DW (JJ) dept, dt. 5.5.2005

The new Girl Child Protection Scheme with insurance coverage from 1.4.2005 was issued.


Bangaru Thalli Scheme

The State Government has enacted Bangaru Thalli Girl Child Promotion and Empowerment Act 2013 which provides incentives to Girl Child  born after 15th May 2013 till she reaches the age of 21 years.



Guidelines on KSY

Empowering Adolescent Girls by breaking the inter-cycle of nutritional and gender disadvantages and providing a supportive environment for self development.

Chapter 7 -Categories of Documents held by the public Authority under its Control [Section 4(1)(b)(vi)]
7.1 Official DOCUMENTS held by the public authority or under its CONTROL 



Title of the document

Designation and
ADDRESS of the
custodian (held by /under the control of whom)


        Budget Estimates

1. BUDGET of demand

 Accounts Officer

Chapter- 8
Arrangement for Consultation with, or Representation by, the MEMBERS of the Public in relation to the Formulation of Policy of Implementation thereof 
(Section 4(1) (b) (vii))
Chapter – 9
BOARDS, Councils, Committees and other Bodies constituted as part of Public Authority
[Section 4(1) (b) (viii)]
9.1 Information on boards, councils, committees and other bodies related to the public authority
9.2 If minutes of meetings are ACCESSIBLE to the public, describe the  procedure as to how to access the    minutes: CONTACT point, hours of access, fee structure /cost for access and officer to be contacted.
  Chapter -10
Directory of officers and Employees 
 (Section 4(1) (b) (ix))

10.1. Information on officers and Employees working in different units or offices at different levels and their contact  addresses in the format (including officers in charge of grievances redressal, Vigilance, audit, etc.) 

Chapter- 11
Monthly Remuneration received by Officers and Employees, including the System of Compensation as provided in Regulations [Section 4(1)(b)(X)]
11.1. Provide information on remuneration and compensation structure for officers and employees in the format:
Chapter – 12
Budget allocated to Each Agency including Plans etc, 
(Section 4(1) (b) xi)

12.1 Information about the details of the plans, programmes and Schemes undertaken by the authority for each agency
  Chapter -13
Manner of Execution of Subsidy Programmes
( Section 4(1) (b) xii)

13.2 Information on the nature of subsidy, eligibility criteria for accessing subsidy and designation of officer competent to grant subsidy under various programmes /Schemes NIL
13.3. Manner of execution of the subsidy programmes
Chapter- 14
Particulars of Recipients of Concessions, Permits or
Authorization Granted by the Public Authority
(Section 4 (1)(b)xiii)

14.1 Names and addresses of recipients of beneficiaries under each programme/scheme separately.
14.2 Details in respect of the information, available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form.
(Section 4 (1)(b)xiv)
As per records
                            Right to Information Act Women Development and Child Welfare 
Chapter 15 - Information Available to Public (Section 4(1)(b)xv))
15. Particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information including the working hours of a library or information center or reading room maintained for public use where information relating to the department or records / documents are made available to the public. 


Description (Location
of  Facility/Name etc.)

Details of information
made available

Notice Board

At the Office of the functionary Citizens Charter of  the Department was displayed  at Regional Offices, Project Directors Offices and Child Development Project Offices

List of citizen charters
Departmental activities; facilities / services made available to the public; the authority for redressal of grievances  / lodging complaints etc

News Paper Reports



Public  Announcements



Information Counter





General information of the  Department and activities, G.Os. etc.

Other Facilities



Chapter 16 - Information Available to Public (Section 4(1)(b)xvi))
16. Public Information officers and Assistant public Information officers designated for various offices/administrative units and Appellate Authority / Officer(s) for the public authority

Public Information Officers

S. No.

Name, Designation and address of the Officer


Contact No


Joint Director (Admn)

Appellate Authority (under Section 19 (1) of RTI Act 05)

(O) –23733665
Cell No. 9440814456


 Smt.P Swaroopa Rani,
Assistant Director

Public Information Officer (PIO) (under Section 5 (1) of RTI Act 05)

(O) –23733665
Cell No.9440100185


 Smt.T Aruna,

Assistant Public Information Officer (APIO)(under Section 5 (1) of RTI Act 05)

(O) – 23733665
Cell No.9440814420

Assistant Public Information Officer(s) 


Name of Office/Administrative Unit

Name & designation of PIO

Office Tel:
Residence Tel : Fax



O/o Director
Women Development and Child welfare

 Smt.P Swaroopa Rani




Regional, District, Project, Mandal & Village Level

 Placed in contact us page at dept. website



Name of the District RTI Designation Name of the Officer Name of the Office Phone Number.
HYDERABAD REGIONAL OFFICE Public Information Offficer Superindentent  Office of the Regional Deputy Director 040-23742411
Appeallete Authority Regional Deputy Director Office of the Regional Deputy Director, WD&CW 9440814430
HYDERABAD DISTRICT OFFICE Public Information Offficer Superindentent  Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  040-23742411
Appeallete Authority Project Director, DW&CDA Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  9440814531
RANGAREDDY DISTRICT OFFICE Public Information Offficer Superindentent  Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  040-23745650
Appeallete Authority Project Director, DW&CDA Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  9440814537
MAHABOOBNAGAR DISTRICT OFFICE Public Information Offficer Superindentent  Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  08542-272778
Appeallete Authority Project Director, DW&CDA Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  9440814557
MEDAK DISTRICT OFFICE Public Information Offficer Superindentent  Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  958455-276460
Appeallete Authority Project Director, DW&CDA Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  9440814544
NIZAMABAD DISTRICT OFFICE Public Information Offficer Superindentent  Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  08462-238109
Appeallete Authority Project Director, DW&CDA Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  9440814550
NALGONDA DISTRICT OFFICE Public Information Offficer Superindentent  Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  08682-245983
Appeallete Authority Project Director, DW&CDA Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  9440814566
WARANGAL REGIONAL OFFICE Public Information Offficer Superindentent  Office of the Regional Deputy Director 0870-2568795
Appeallete Authority Regional Deputy Director Office of the Regional Deputy Director 9440814444
WARANGAL DISTRICT OFFICE Public Information Offficer Superindentent  Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  0870-2550359
Appeallete Authority Project Director, DW&CDA Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  9440814433
ADILABAD DISTRICT OFFICE Public Information Offficer Superindentent  Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  08732-236630
Appeallete Authority Project Director, DW&CDA Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  9440814455
KHAMMAM DISTRICT OFFICE Public Information Offficer Superindentent  Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  08742-255857
Appeallete Authority Project Director, DW&CDA Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  9440814441
KARIMNAGAR DISTRICT OFFICE Public Information Offficer Superindentent  Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  08728-2254647
Appeallete Authority Project Director, DW&CDA Office of the Project Director, DW&CDA,  9440814450




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Contact Us

Commissionerate of Women Development & Child Welfare.

Address:H.NO.8-3-222, Vengalrao Nagar
       Ammerpet, Hyderabad
E-mail: comm-wdcw@telangana.gov.in